Why is ovarian cancer so hard to detect?

29-year-old Emma Schlamm’s frightening experience with ovarian cancer, sheds light on the challenges of detecting this silent killer.  Her story is a stark reminder of the complexities surrounding the early detection of ovarian cancer, especially in asymptomatic individuals or individuals with atypical symptoms.

Advanced stage ovarian cancer has a survival rate of  17% and yet, today, there is still no screening test for the nearly 4 billion women on the planet. The reason for this is existing technologies lack the combined sensitivity and specificity to detect cancer biomarkers at very early stages when the disease is still treatable and advancement to later stages can be prevented. Add to that, today, there is no way to detect very small tumor masses until they become large enough to pose a health risk in women like Emma with current scanning technology or without using extremely invasive approaches such as probes and surgery. 

As a biotech company dedicated to early ovarian cancer detection, we recognize the urgency of addressing the challenges highlighted by Emma's experience. Through continued research, innovation, and investment, we strive to contribute to a future where stories like hers become rarer, and timely, non-invasive screening becomes a reality.

We look forward to  a future where no one has to face the devastating impact of late-stage ovarian cancer.



GENENDEAVOR presents at the MedInvest Oncology Investor conference


Call for applications: Senior Research Associate